Setting up Managers
If you have managers, we can set them up for you. Follow these steps to get them set up.
Managers who are also Instructors
- From the Instructors list in the settings menu, invite the manager to your Instrukt team and set their class types and locations.
- The manager will create an ‘Instructor’ account.
- Send an email from the account you have associated with your Instrukt studio owner account to Include the name and email address associated with your managers' instructor account.
- We will convert the instructor account to a manager account.
The manager must accept their studio invite before they will be able to request subs for their classes or accept sub requests from other instructors.
After a manager has been set up, they will receive an email to let them know the setup is complete.
Managers who do not teach classes
Managers who do not teach classes and will not sub any classes do not need to be invited as an instructor at your studio.
- The manager will create an ‘Instructor’ account. This can be done either in the Instrukt app or here. There is no need to send them an instructor invite.
- Send an email from the account you have associated with your Instrukt studio owner account to Include the name and email address associated with your managers' instructor account(s).
- We will convert the instructor account to a manager account.
After a manager has been set up, they will receive an email to let them know the setup is complete.
Setting Manager Locations
Managers who manage only certain locations can define these locations in the Visible Studio Locations setting. Manager-level class visibility and notifications will be displayed only for the locations selected in this setting.
- From the settings menu, tap on 'Visible Studio Locations'
- Select the locations for manager visibility
- Tap the back arrow
The Visible Studio Locations setting does not affect the locations where the manager is approved to sub classes. Locations where owners and managers can sub are set in their instructor setting.